Winter 2023 Results

Best Feature
Winner: Eat Me
Nominee: Pravas
Nominee: Sue Inside
Nominee: False Front
Nominee: Finding Nicole
Nominee: Before it Happened
Nominee: Hi, I'm Growing Up
Nominee: Through life and death

Best Documentary Feature
Winner: Big Stages
Nominee: The Gardener

Best Documentary Short
Winner: Is There Something
    Going On At Home?
Nominee: Home - FuJian
Nominee: Tropical Mind
Nominee: Planet Ocean Blues
Nominee: Alzheimer's, Cassava &
    Stock Market Corruption

Best Student Film
Winner: Grow in the Wild
Nominee: La Soglia
Nominee: Unknown Caller
Nominee: Two Eyes No Mouth
Best Short
Winner: Mid Iris
Winner: Complexity
Winner: A Boring Dystopia
Nominee: CUT
Nominee: VIRAL
Nominee: Echoes
Nominee: Broken
Nominee: FUNeral
Nominee: Foolproof
Nominee: Dance Hall
Nominee: Repercussies
Nominee: Night Voices
Nominee: Emerald City
Nominee: Klara's Dance
Nominee: Thea and Lucia
Nominee: Low Stress Day
Nominee: The Woman from Bar Blue
Nominee: Straight on 'til Morning
Nominee: Ancient Evil: FrankenCock

Best Animated Short
Winner: American Dream
Nominee: Gilipollas
Nominee: The Thol-Ra
    (Cinematic Version)
Best Music Video
Winner: Strawberry Sensation
Nominee: See No Light
Nominee: The Invisible
Nominee: Don't Come Back
Nominee: Somewhere Always
Nominee: Darow - Father's Day
Nominee: Wishing you were here

Best Experimental Short
Nominee: Lost Youth
Nominee: The Saidist
Nominee: Urban Rhythms
Nominee: Death of Logic
Nominee: Zoltar's Fortune
Nominee: Between Two Islands
Nominee: Zen-Mind Filmmaking
    Experiment (cycle 1 & 2)

Best Web Series
Winner: About people and about war
Nominee: LLVS Three Episodes
Nominee: Hangover Food:
    Vampire Influencer
Nominee: Union House Hotel -
    Episode 1: Pride
Nominee: Welcome to the Whimsical
    Desert! (Going Solo)
Best Director
Winner: Complexity
Winner: Night Voices
Winner: American Dream
Winner: Grow in the Wild
Winner: A Boring Dystopia
Winner: About people and about war
Nominee: Eat Me
Nominee: FUNeral
Nominee: La Soglia
Nominee: Dance Hall
Nominee: See No Light
Nominee: Emerald City
Nominee: Finding Nicole
Nominee: Death of Logic
Nominee: Thea and Lucia
Nominee: Futurity Infinite
Nominee: Strawberry Sensation
Nominee: Straight on 'til Morning
Nominee: Hangover Food:
    Vampire Influencer

Best Writing
Winner: VIRAL
Winner: Broken
Winner: FUNeral
Winner: Thea and Lucia
Winner: Finding Nicole
Winner: The Woman from Bar Blue
Nominee: CUT
Nominee: Flytrap
Nominee: Control
Nominee: Mid Iris
Nominee: Complexity
Nominee: Gilipollas
Nominee: Dance Hall
Nominee: Sweet Home
Nominee: Sue Inside
Nominee: Orange Park
Nominee: The Betrayal
Nominee: Repercussies
Nominee: Night Voices
Nominee: Emerald City
Nominee: Klara's Dance
Nominee: Unknown Caller
Nominee: American Dream
Nominee: Scenes of Love
Nominee: Low Stress Day
Nominee: JOPEL Chapter 2
Nominee: Special Delivery
Nominee: Grow in the Wild
Nominee: Before it Happened
Nominee: Planet Ocean Blues
Nominee: Hi, I'm Growing Up
Nominee: LLVS Three Episodes
Nominee: The American Labyrinth
Nominee: Through life and death
Nominee: The Note You Didn't Read
Nominee: About people and about war

Best FX
Winner: Somewhere Always
Winner: Ancient Evil: FrankenCock
Nominee: La Soglia
Nominee: I Am Here
Nominee: Dance Hall
Nominee: Sheltered from Time
Nominee: Fat Eye Blink Blink
Best Cinematography
Winner: Mid Iris
Winner: Complexity
Winner: The Gardener
Winner: Emerald City
Winner: Klara's Dance
Winner: Grow in the Wild
Winner: A Boring Dystopia
Winner: Two Eyes No Mouth
Winner: Strawberry Sensation
Winner: Straight on 'til Morning
Nominee: Broken
Nominee: Eat Me
Nominee: Foolproof
Nominee: Night Voices
Nominee: Thea and Lucia
Nominee: Low Stress Day
Nominee: Full Tilt Boogie
Nominee: Drunkened Concubine
Nominee: Darow - Father's Day
Nominee: The Woman from Bar Blue
Nominee: About people and about war
Nominee: Union House Hotel -
    Episode 1: Pride

Best Actress
Winner: Broken (Suzanne Webcke)
Winner: Eat Me (Jacqueline Wright)
Winner: Thea and Lucia (Alyssa Scott)
Winner: Finding Nicole (Kaiti Wallen)
Winner: Dance Hall
    (Stella Frye-Ginsberg)
Winner: Hi, I'm Growing Up
    (Dipo Adetola)
Nominee: FUNeral (Melissa Malone)
    (Myriam Lopez)
Nominee: Klara's Dance (Lara Fortuna)
Nominee: The Betrayal (Kenzie Phillips)
Nominee: Futurity Infinite (Annie Knox)
Nominee: Through life and death
    (Shang Gao)

Best Sound
Winner: Mid Iris
Winner: La Soglia
Winner: Emerald City
Winner: Thea and Lucia
Winner: Is There Something
    Going On At Home?
Nominee: Pravas
Nominee: Eat Me
Nominee: Foolproof
Nominee: Dance Hall
Nominee: Big Stages
Nominee: Gilipollas
Nominee: Complexity
Nominee: Orange Park
Nominee: The Saidist
Nominee: The Gardener
Nominee: Death of Logic
Nominee: Finding Nicole
Nominee: Grow in the Wild
Nominee: Full Tilt Boogie
Nominee: A Boring Dystopia
Nominee: Straight on 'til Morning
Nominee: About people and about war
Nominee: Hangover Food:
    Vampire Influencer
Best Actor
Winner: Eat Me (Brad Carter)
Winner: FUNeral (Bryan Civitarese)
Winner: Night Voices
    (Gorman Ruggiero)
Winner: Sue Inside
    (Sammy T. Anderson)
Winner: Unknown Caller
    (Emmanuel Trier)
Winner: Repercussies
    (Ivan Groenheijde)
Nominee: The Mux (Javier Cáberiz)
Nominee: Mid Iris (Vitaly Lebeau)
Nominee: Complexity (Brandon Leake)
Nominee: Tropical Mind (Tom Mackie)
Nominee: Emerald City (Alan Vazquez)
    (Ruben Russo)
Nominee: Sheltered from Time
    (Iván Gisbert)
Nominee: Squaring The Circle
    (Cameron Mabie)
Nominee: Before it Happened
    (Andrew Jacob Brown)
Nominee: Ancient Evil: FrankenCock
    (Dennis Record)
Nominee: The Singapore Experience
    (Peter Hawping Hsui)
Nominee: Union House Hotel -
    Episode 1: Pride (Freddy Moyano)

Best Music
Winner: Men Only
Winner: Playback
Winner: Foolproof
Winner: Dance Hall
Winner: Night Voices
Winner: Klara's Dance
Winner: Death of Logic
Winner: Don't Come Back
Winner: Futurity Infinite
Winner: Rock-Paper-Scissors
Nominee: VIRAL
Nominee: Broken
Nominee: Pravas
Nominee: Mid Iris
Nominee: La Soglia
Nominee: Complexity
Nominee: Big Stages
Nominee: The Gardener
Nominee: Repercussies
Nominee: The Betrayal
Nominee: Emerald City
Nominee: Urban Rhythms
Nominee: Finding Nicole
Nominee: Thea and Lucia
Nominee: American Dream
Nominee: Grow in the Wild
Nominee: Two Eyes No Mouth
Nominee: Strawberry Sensation
Nominee: The American Labyrinth
Nominee: Straight on 'til Morning
Nominee: The Note You Didn't Read
Nominee: About people and about war
Nominee: Union House Hotel -
    Episode 1: Pride
Nominee: Is There Something
    Going On At Home?
Nominee: Welcome to the Whimsical
    Desert! (Going Solo)
Best Editing
Winner: CUT
Winner: Echoes
Winner: Big Stages
Winner: Emerald City
Winner: Finding Nicole
Winner: Darow - Father's Day
Winner: Ancient Evil: FrankenCock
Winner: About people and about war
Winner: Is There Something
    Going On At Home?
Winner: Welcome to the Whimsical
    Desert! (Going Solo)
Nominee: Eat Me
Nominee: The Mux
Nominee: Flytrap
Nominee: Men Only
Nominee: Mid Iris
Nominee: I Am Here
Nominee: Complexity
Nominee: Dance Hall
Nominee: Sweet Home
Nominee: False Front
Nominee: The Gardener
Nominee: Night Voices
Nominee: Home - FuJian
Nominee: The Invisible
Nominee: Tropical Mind
Nominee: Death of Logic
Nominee: American Dream
Nominee: Don't Come Back
Nominee: Somewhere Always
Nominee: Grow in the Wild
Nominee: A Boring Dystopia
Nominee: Two Eyes No Mouth
Nominee: Between Two Islands
Nominee: Strawberry Sensation
Nominee: The Night Hike 2: Witch Way
Nominee: Zen-Mind Filmmaking
    Experiment (cycle 1 & 2)
Nominee: Alzheimer's, Cassava &
    Stock Market Corruption

Best Production Design
Winner: Union House Hotel -
    Episode 1: Pride
Best Original Idea
Winner: The Mux
Winner: Mid Iris
Winner: Men Only
Winner: La Soglia
Winner: Dance Hall
Winner: Night Voices
Winner: The Invisible
Winner: Death of Logic
Winner: Low Stress Day
Winner: Pocketful of Mondays
Winner: Through life and death
Nominee: Echoes
Nominee: Playback
Nominee: I Am Here
Nominee: Gilipollas
Nominee: The Saidist
Nominee: False Front
Nominee: See No Light
Nominee: Urban Rhythms
Nominee: Home - FuJian
Nominee: JOPEL Chapter 2
Nominee: Somewhere Always
Nominee: Zoltar's Fortune
Nominee: Full Tilt Boogie
Nominee: A Boring Dystopia
Nominee: Futurity Infinite
Nominee: Rock-Paper-Scissors
Nominee: Squaring The Circle
Nominee: Sheltered from Time
Nominee: Drunkened Concubine
Nominee: Strawberry Sensation
Nominee: The Night Hike 2: Witch Way
Nominee: What's Wrong With
    This Picture
Nominee: The Thol-Ra
    (Cinematic Version)
Nominee: Zen-Mind Filmmaking
    Experiment (cycle 1 & 2)
Nominee: Welcome to the Whimsical
    Desert! (Going Solo)

Most Terrifying
Winner: VIRAL
Winner: Repercussies
Nominee: CUT
Nominee: Control
Nominee: Fat Eye Blink Blink
Nominee: Rock-Paper-Scissors
Nominee: The Night Hike 2: Witch Way
Best Message
Winner: Complexity
Winner: Big Stages
Winner: The Gardener
Winner: The Invisible
Winner: JOPEL Chapter 2
Winner: Planet Ocean Blues
Winner: The American Labyrinth
Winner: What's Wrong With
    This Picture
Winner: Is There Something
    Going On At Home?
Winner: Alzheimer's, Cassava &
    Stock Market Corruption

Best Humor
Winner: CUT
Winner: Mid Iris
Winner: Men Only
Winner: Sue Inside
Winner: Gilipollas
Winner: Orange Park
Winner: Special Delivery
Winner: Hi, I'm Growing Up
Winner: Squaring The Circle
Winner: Hangover Food:
    Vampire Influencer
Nominee: Two Eyes No Mouth
Nominee: LLVS Three Episodes
Nominee: Ancient Evil: FrankenCock
Nominee: Welcome to the Whimsical
    Desert! (Going Solo)

No Budget Spirit
Winner: JOPEL Chapter 2
Winner: Drunkened Concubine
Nominee: Lost Youth
Nominee: Sweet Home
Nominee: Scenes of Love
Nominee: Krampus on Campus
Nominee: Searching for Soul Mate
Nominee: The Note You Didn't Read
Nominee: What's Wrong With
    This Picture

Best Feature Script
Winner: Dark Days
Nominee: Pocketful of Mondays
Best Short Script
Winner: Just Coffee
Winner: A Lonely Dreamer
Winner: Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe never.
Nominee: CHATTER
Nominee: Grandma Böse
Nominee: Donnie Hairdo
Nominee: Waiting for You
Nominee: The Fairest Thing on This Black Earth

Best Overall Film of the Year
Any Old Sunday