Winter 2019 Results

Best Feature
Winner: Life's A Bitch And
    Then One Kills You
Winner: The Debt of Maximillian
Winner: Anticipation
Winner: Miss Petunia
Winner: Untimely
Nominee: Indu
Nominee: 4 Sum
Nominee: Pasha
Nominee: VIRAAM
Nominee: Driver
Nominee: Coda 77
Nominee: John, 316
Nominee: Infidelity
Nominee: I'm Sinner
Nominee: Being Gavin
Nominee: Unborn Souls
Nominee: Bullet Trip
Nominee: The Last Koan
Nominee: Montu ki Paltan
Nominee: The Legend of Quan Tien
Nominee: Staring at the Sea
Nominee: Coming Up For Air
Nominee: Chousar Firangi
Nominee: The Worry Doll
Nominee: Devil Town

Best Documentary Feature
Winner: Magnolia's Hope
Winner: VHS Massacre Too
Winner: The Sako Tapes
Winner: The People Who Suspend
Winner: Stolen Babies of Spain
Winner: EVP: The Unknown Voices
Winner: New Age of Aging
Nominee: The Titanic Chronicles
    a film about dying, living &
    the creative process
Nominee: A Living Tree, Means
    a Living Planet
Nominee: Our Mother

Best Documentary Short
Winner: What If...
Winner: Skate in Tokyo
Winner: Geronimo: Circus Trash Monster
Nominee: Global Food Crisis &
    Our Conviction
Nominee: A Once in a Lifetime Pass
Nominee: Voices From the Grave
Nominee: Catherine the Great
Nominee: Woman From Mars
Nominee: The Next Thing
Nominee: Fenni Zombie
Nominee: Not My Story
Nominee: Forever Elvis
Nominee: R1514, the waiting
Nominee: Cracking 1300 year old
    Chinese prophecy
Best Short
Winner: Cages
Winner: Bertin
Winner: Chumbak
Winner: Funeral
Winner: Gameology
Winner: Here Today
Winner: January 14th
Winner: When It Rains
Winner: A Portrait Of Butterflies
Winner: Welcome Back Future!
Winner: A Nights' Prayer
Winner: Turn It Around
Winner: The Initiation
Nominee: Gold
Nominee: Bark
Nominee: FakeD
Nominee: Plunge
Nominee: Pitfall
Nominee: Simmetria
Nominee: A Good Story
Nominee: The Takeback
Nominee: Backbeat
Nominee: My Ira
Nominee: Solange
Nominee: The Veil
Nominee: Hindsight
Nominee: Pencil Box
Nominee: Hummingbird
Nominee: Peach Cobbler
Nominee: The Good Wife
Nominee: The Timepiece
Nominee: Midnight Fighter
Nominee: Making Friends as the
    World Ends part 2
Nominee: Wolf on the Loose, Revenge
Nominee: Unfinished Business
Nominee: Neon Boys
Nominee: Be-Longing
Nominee: Sapphire
Nominee: Devequt
Nominee: Portrait
Nominee: The Invitation (Die Einladung)
Nominee: Poetry Night
Nominee: Devil's Dust
Nominee: The Nun's Kaddish
Nominee: Meet the Stars
Nominee: Saved Rounds
Nominee: Snapshot

Best Music Video
Winner: Smoke Signals
Winner: Where You Come From
Winner: Sandra Kolstad – Catch 22
Nominee: Love Blind
Nominee: Six Day Back
Nominee: Strut - 1980s
Nominee: Kalo by NAOHA
    (Chul Official Soundtrack)
Nominee: Seven Billions
Nominee: The First & Last Time
Nominee: Be a Bear - About Links
    (feat. Grigio)
Nominee: All the Wrong Things in
    the Right Places
Nominee: Elvis is Everywhere from
    Kissy Cousins Monster Babies and
    Morphing Elvis
Best Romantic Comedy
Winner: Sipping Coffee
    Through a Straw
Winner: Bingo Bingo

Best Student Feature
Winner: At the End of Eight
Nominee: Something Beside Remains

Best Experimental Feature
Winner: The Rug
Nominee: Lakhmipur ke Lukkhe
Nominee: Light the Fire

Best Animated Short
Winner: And yet we're not
    super heroes
Winner: Six Day Back
Winner: The Ribbon
Nominee: Waka Huia
Nominee: Monkey & Cat

Best Experimental Short
Winner: Alder
Winner: Human Exposure
Winner: The Past is Now
Nominee: Giving Hope to Life
Nominee: Auricular Confession
Nominee: Silhouettes *Iconique*
    (Lichtphon / Ikonen 1)
Nominee: A Mind Trip: From
    Artificial Intelligence to
    Lucid Dreams

Best Student Film
Winner: Domino
Winner: Cactus
Winner: Reverse
Winner: Neutudum
Winner: Simmetria
Winner: Desert Bunny
Winner: disAbilities
Winner: Campy Spy Musical
Winner: According to Camden
Nominee: Fresh
Nominee: Louise
Nominee: Window
Nominee: The Hunt
Nominee: L U C I D
Nominee: The Doors
Nominee: Project Human
Nominee: Alice By Night
Nominee: Withered Harvest
Nominee: Is That What Sex Is?
Nominee: We Regret to Inform You

Best Web Series
Winner: Adventures in #Adulting
Winner: The Void Rebooted
Winner: Death's Door
Nominee: Whiteboard Challenge
Nominee: The Blue Marble
Nominee: Vigilante Grammy
Nominee: Darwin Awards
Nominee: The Unwilling
Nominee: Crypto Game
Best Cinematography
Winner: Gold
Winner: Cages
Winner: Cactus
Winner: Domino
Winner: Pitfall
Winner: Untimely
Winner: Simmetria
Winner: Here Today
Winner: The Past is Now
Winner: Dear Thirty Year Old Me
Winner: Sandra Kolstad – Catch 22
Winner: Wolf on the Loose, Revenge
Nominee: Light
Nominee: Alder
Nominee: Plunge
Nominee: Swipe
Nominee: Bertin
Nominee: Driver
Nominee: Portrait
Nominee: No Steel
Nominee: Gameology
Nominee: Extradition
Nominee: Bequeathed
Nominee: January 14th
Nominee: When It Rains
Nominee: Smoke Signals
Nominee: The Initiation
Nominee: Turn It Around
Nominee: Skate in Tokyo
Nominee: Welcome Back Future!
Nominee: Pajama Party Work Night

Best Original Idea
Winner: Neon
Winner: Bark
Winner: FakeD
Winner: Alder
Winner: Pasha
Winner: My Ira
Winner: Famine
Winner: Devequt
Winner: Backbeat
Winner: Be-Longing
Winner: Bequeathed
Winner: Pencil Box
Winner: A Good Story
Winner: Project Human
Winner: Not My Story
Winner: Welcome Back Future!
Winner: Unfinished Business
Winner: That Thing Between Us
Winner: The Great Buddha Arrival
Winner: A Living Tree, Means
    a Living Planet
Winner: A Mind Trip: From
    Artificial Intelligence to
    Lucid Dreams
Nominee: Swipe
Nominee: Voices
Nominee: Rigged
Nominee: The Rug
Nominee: Chumbak
Nominee: Zameera
Nominee: Chakras
Nominee: The Veil
Nominee: No Steel
Nominee: Tub Soup
Nominee: Neutudum
Nominee: Ganzfeld
Nominee: Simmetria
Nominee: L U C I D
Nominee: Neon Boys
Nominee: Waka Huia
Nominee: The Doors
Nominee: Adversary
Nominee: John, 316
Nominee: Stiff Arm
Nominee: 2 Below 0
Nominee: Infidelity
Nominee: Devil Town
Nominee: The Survey
Nominee: Unquenched
Nominee: The Ribbon
Nominee: Crypto Game
Nominee: Bullet Trip
Nominee: Fenni Zombie
Nominee: Devil's Dust
Nominee: Broken Bones
Nominee: The Unwilling
Nominee: disAbilities
Nominee: Mrs Blaquill
Nominee: Saved Rounds
Nominee: Rachel's Wish
Nominee: The Last Koan
Nominee: Smoke Signals
Nominee: Alice By Night
Nominee: When It Rains
Nominee: Peregrination
Nominee: The Good Wife
Nominee: Final Casting
Nominee: Human Exposure
Nominee: Seven Billions
Nominee: Made In America
Nominee: The Past is Now
Nominee: Forbidden Power
Nominee: Woman From Mars
Nominee: The Blue Marble
Nominee: Midnight Fighter
Nominee: An Invisible War
Nominee: The Lonely Road
Nominee: Fractured Minds
Nominee: The Final Mission
Nominee: Ladri D'Infanzia
Nominee: Campy Spy Musical
Nominee: The Nun's Kaddish
Nominee: A.K.A. The Surgeon
Nominee: R1514, the waiting
Nominee: Victims of Unknown
Nominee: At the End of Eight
Nominee: Where You Come From
Nominee: According to Camden
Nominee: Lakhmipur ke Lukkhe
Nominee: The Doors Between Us
Nominee: Voices From the Grave
Nominee: Sacrificing the Queen
Nominee: VALARI (The Boomerang)
Nominee: Stolen Babies of Spain
Nominee: The People Who Suspend
Nominee: A Once in a Lifetime Pass
Nominee: Sandra Kolstad – Catch 22
Nominee: Jalte Diye-
    Lightinening Lamps
Nominee: Geronimo: Circus
    Trash Monster
Nominee: The Invitation (Die Einladung)
Nominee: The Rime of the Ancient
    Mariner: The Musical
Nominee: THE CRISIS or
Nominee: And yet we're not
    super heroes
Nominee: The Dark Night Of The
    Soul Movie 1
Nominee: Be a Bear - About Links
    (feat. Grigio)
Nominee: 2020 Predictions According
    to Nostradamus
Nominee: Silhouettes *Iconique*
    (Lichtphon / Ikonen 1)
Nominee: Elvis is Everywhere from
    Kissy Cousins Monster Babies and
    Morphing Elvis
Best Director
Winner: Making Friends as the
    World Ends part 2
Winner: A Portrait Of Butterflies
Winner: Smoke Signals
Winner: The Basement
Winner: January 14th
Winner: The Takeback
Winner: Hindsight
Winner: Untimely
Winner: Funeral
Winner: Solange
Winner: Devequt
Winner: Plunge
Winner: Domino
Winner: 4 Sum
Nominee: The Tell-Tale Heart -
    a musicabre
Nominee: Neighbors, Breakups
    and Surprises
Nominee: Sipping Coffee
    Through a Straw
Nominee: Dead Souls:
    Apocrypha Black
Nominee: Wolf on the Loose, Revenge
Nominee: Sandra Kolstad – Catch 22
Nominee: We Regret to Inform You
Nominee: The Debt of Maximillian
Nominee: Pajama Party Work Night
Nominee: VALARI (The Boomerang)
Nominee: Sacrificing the Queen
Nominee: Unfinished Business
Nominee: A.K.A. The Surgeon
Nominee: Victims of Unknown
Nominee: According to Camden
Nominee: Campy Spy Musical
Nominee: The Nun's Kaddish
Nominee: A Moment in Time
Nominee: The Final Mission
Nominee: VHS Massacre Too
Nominee: Coming Up For Air
Nominee: Ladri D'Infanzia
Nominee: Vanity Disasters
Nominee: A Nights' Prayer
Nominee: The Lost Sister
Nominee: Retirement Day
Nominee: The Worry Doll
Nominee: Chousar Firangi
Nominee: The Good Wife
Nominee: Rachel's Wish
Nominee: The Last Koan
Nominee: Death's Door
Nominee: A Good Story
Nominee: Trust Issues
Nominee: Not My Story
Nominee: Desert Bunny
Nominee: Crypto Game
Nominee: Hummingbird
Nominee: Miss Petunia
Nominee: Devil's Dust
Nominee: Being Gavin
Nominee: Love Blind
Nominee: Here Today
Nominee: Unquenched
Nominee: The Ribbon
Nominee: Neon Boys
Nominee: Waka Huia
Nominee: Sapphire
Nominee: Pitfall
Nominee: Portrait
Nominee: Snapshot
Nominee: Rigged
Nominee: My Ira
Nominee: Cactus
Nominee: Bertin
Nominee: Famine
Nominee: Broken
Nominee: Pasha
Nominee: Alder
Nominee: Neon

Best Actress
Winner: VIRAAM (Urmila Mahanta)
Winner: FakeD (Anggie Merdianti)
Winner: Retirement Day
    (DeAnna Brown)
Winner: A Portrait Of Butterflies
    (Inês Sá Frias)
Winner: Snapshot
    (Angelina Danielle Cama)
Winner: The Absence of You
    (Ekin Naz Demirok)
Winner: Coming Up For Air
    (Deborah Staples)
Winner: Death's Door (Ellen Hollman)
Winner: My Ira (Danielle Panabaker)
Winner: Sapphire (Holly Moore)
Winner: John, 316 (Afton Rentz)
Winner: Here Today (CeCe Kelly)
Winner: DEOLA (Deola Gimbiya)
Nominee: Making Friends as the
    World Ends part 2 (Kia Pegg)
Nominee: Chumbak (Vartika Pandey)
Nominee: Hindsight (Meganne Kocher)
Nominee: The Worry Doll (Syd Stauffer)
Nominee: Peach Cobbler
    (Norina Cammarata)
Nominee: Extradition
    (Kristin Samuelson)
Nominee: Solange
    (Pascaline Bellegarde)
Nominee: Maybe Someday
    (Inma Chopo)
Nominee: Cue the Sun (Lisa Campbell)
Nominee: Orange and Blue
    (Marine Geniaux)
Nominee: It's Always Autumn
    (Isabel Pecci)
Nominee: Vigilante Grammy
    (Meredith Thomas)
Nominee: Sacrificing the Queen
    (Laketa Booker)
Nominee: A Moment in Time
    (Danielle Boivin)
Nominee: Pajama Party Work Night
    (Caitlin Burt)
Nominee: That Night (Jennifer Nangle)
Nominee: Inheritance (Lena Eaton)
Nominee: Louise (Katia Gomez)
Nominee: Bark (Eva Coleman)

Best Humor
Winner: Coda 77
Winner: 2 Below 0
Winner: Stiff Arm
Winner: Sidepiece
Winner: Six Day Back
Winner: Monkey & Cat
Winner: Genericamente
Winner: Rachel's Wish
Winner: The Blue Marble
Winner: Jenna the Great
Winner: Vanity Disasters
Winner: The Void Rebooted
Winner: Is That What Sex Is?
Winner: Adventures in #Adulting
Winner: Pajama Party Work Night
Winner: The Invitation (Die Einladung)
Winner: Life's A Bitch And
    Then One Kills You
Nominee: Making Friends as the
    World Ends part 2
Nominee: Neighbors, Breakups
    and Surprises
Nominee: Sipping Coffee
    Through a Straw
Nominee: That Thing Between Us
Nominee: Whiteboard Challenge
Nominee: 45 Days to Be Rich
Nominee: Granny Knows Best
Nominee: Campy Spy Musical
Nominee: Gabe the Wolf
Nominee: The Timepiece
Nominee: Being Gavin
Nominee: Cue the Sun
Nominee: Bingo Bingo
Best Actor
Winner: Cages (Hermann Deckous)
Winner: Pitfall (Ross Tomlinson)
Winner: A Portrait Of Butterflies
    (Salvador Nery)
Winner: Sipping Coffee Through
    a Straw (Franklin Livingston)
Winner: The Debt of Maximillian
    (Travis Lee Eller)
Winner: Unfinished Business
    (Akhilesh Gupta)
Winner: Staring at the Sea
    (Paco Escribano)
Winner: A Good Story (Carey Feehan)
Winner: Plunge (Sam Goodchild)
Nominee: Gold (Raz Fritz)
Nominee: Just (Andrea Colussi)
Nominee: Ganzfeld (Joel Ambo)
Nominee: Pasha (Ghanshyam Garg)
Nominee: 2 Below 0 (Pennan Brae)
Nominee: The Survey (Perica Antov)
Nominee: Bertin (Albin Jeselen)
Nominee: The Hunt (Mark Kuntz)
Nominee: Infidelity (Rick Lundgren)
Nominee: Being Gavin
    (Jamie Oxenbould)
Nominee: Don't Forget Me
    (Craig MacPhee)
Nominee: The Last Koan
    (Shahidur Rahman)
Nominee: Poetry Night
    (Rayaan Khatib)
Nominee: Devil's Dust
    (Kwame Augustine)
Nominee: Saved Rounds
    (Doc Farrow)
Nominee: Bequeathed (Cliff Beverly)
Nominee: Trust Issues (Jono Cota)
Nominee: Anticipation (Glenn Herbert)
Nominee: Retirement Day (Bill Hass)
Nominee: Genericamente
    (Paolo Triestino)
Nominee: Forever Elvis
    (Chase Roback)
Nominee: The Timepiece
    (Karan Choudhary)
Nominee: Unquenched
    (Akhilesh Gupta)
Nominee: 4 Sum
    (Yashwant Anand Gupta)
Nominee: The Basement
    (Cedrick Spinassou)
Nominee: A.K.A. The Surgeon
    (Nathan Ferrier)
Nominee: The Final Mission
    (Jas Anderson)
Nominee: Dear Thirty Year Old Me
    (Vid Valic)
Nominee: A Nights' Prayer
    (Faithfulness Adebayo-ige)
Nominee: The Tell-Tale Heart -
    a musicabre (Danny Ashkenasi)
Nominee: Neighbors, Breakups and
    Surprises (Miguel "Mike" Medina)

Best Writing
Winner: Broken
Winner: Bertin
Winner: Chumbak
Winner: The Veil
Winner: Infidelity
Winner: Unquenched
Winner: Extradition
Winner: Bingo Bingo
Winner: Saved Rounds
Winner: Anticipation
Winner: The Timepiece
Winner: Jenna the Great
Winner: Turn It Around
Winner: According to Camden
Winner: We Regret to Inform You
Winner: Making Friends as the
    World Ends part 2
Nominee: Life's A Bitch And
    Then One Kills You
Nominee: Neighbors, Breakups
    and Surprises
Nominee: The Invitation
    (Die Einladung)
Nominee: A Portrait Of Butterflies
Nominee: Adventures in #Adulting
Nominee: Sacrificing the Queen
Nominee: Unfinished Business
Nominee: Staring at the Sea
Nominee: The Absence of You
Nominee: Withered Harvest
Nominee: The Void Rebooted
Nominee: It's Always Autumn
Nominee: A Nights' Prayer
Nominee: The Nun's Kaddish
Nominee: A.K.A. The Surgeon
Nominee: Vanity Disasters
Nominee: Midnight Fighter
Nominee: Forbidden Power
Nominee: Peach Cobbler
Nominee: The Good Wife
Nominee: Retirement Day
Nominee: The Lost Sister
Nominee: Il Cioccolatino
Nominee: The Worry Doll
Nominee: Don't Forget Me
Nominee: The Initiation
Nominee: Rachel's Wish
Nominee: The Last Koan
Nominee: Maybe Someday
Nominee: A Good Story
Nominee: Miss Petunia
Nominee: Trust Issues
Nominee: The Takeback
Nominee: Cue the Sun
Nominee: Poetry Night
Nominee: Grandpa Gene
Nominee: Inheritance
Nominee: Desert Bunny
Nominee: January 14th
Nominee: Genericamente
Nominee: Two For One
Nominee: Bullet Trip
Nominee: Mrs Blaquill
Nominee: Hummingbird
Nominee: Be-Longing
Nominee: Sidepiece
Nominee: I'm Sinner
Nominee: Maelstrom
Nominee: Here Today
Nominee: 2 Below 0
Nominee: Stiff Arm
Nominee: Gameology
Nominee: Neon Boys
Nominee: Reverse
Nominee: Backbeat
Nominee: Funeral
Nominee: Runaway
Nominee: Driver
Nominee: Cactus
Nominee: VIRAAM
Nominee: Window
Nominee: Devequt
Nominee: Plunge
Nominee: 4 Sum
Nominee: FakeD
Nominee: Cages
Nominee: Gold
Nominee: Rise
Best Music
Winner: Neon
Winner: Alder
Winner: Solange
Winner: Portrait
Winner: Hindsight
Winner: Gameology
Winner: The Ribbon
Winner: Broken Bones
Winner: Rachel's Wish
Winner: The Last Koan
Winner: Peach Cobbler
Winner: The Worry Doll
Winner: The Initiation
Winner: Orange and Blue
Winner: Midnight Fighter
Winner: The Final Mission
Winner: A Nights' Prayer
Winner: The Nun's Kaddish
Winner: A.K.A. The Surgeon
Winner: The Tell-Tale Heart -
    a musicabre
Winner: The Rime of the Ancient
    Mariner: The Musical
Nominee: Silhouettes *Iconique*
    (Lichtphon / Ikonen 1)
Nominee: All the Wrong Things in
    the Right Places
Nominee: Life's A Bitch And
    Then One Kills You
Nominee: And yet we're not
    super heroes
Nominee: Wolf on the Loose, Revenge
Nominee: The Debt of Maximillian
Nominee: The Legend of Quan Tien
Nominee: Auricular Confession
Nominee: Welcome Back Future!
Nominee: Unfinished Business
Nominee: Giving Hope to Life
Nominee: According to Camden
Nominee: Jagya Tyar Thi Sawar
Nominee: At the End of Eight
Nominee: Victims of Unknown
Nominee: THE SONGS of LOVE
Nominee: Woman From Mars
Nominee: The Past is Now
Nominee: Fractured Minds
Nominee: Turn It Around
Nominee: Light the Fire
Nominee: Retirement Day
Nominee: The Next Thing
Nominee: Skate in Tokyo
Nominee: Maybe Someday
Nominee: When It Rains
Nominee: The Basement
Nominee: Grandpa Gene
Nominee: January 14th
Nominee: Saved Rounds
Nominee: Cashing Out
Nominee: French Kiss
Nominee: Be-Longing
Nominee: Devil Town
Nominee: Here Today
Nominee: Pencil Box
Nominee: Maelstrom
Nominee: I'm Sinner
Nominee: What If...
Nominee: Yard Sale
Nominee: The Doors
Nominee: Simmetria
Nominee: L U C I D
Nominee: The Hunt
Nominee: Untimely
Nominee: Snapshot
Nominee: Sapphire
Nominee: Tub Soup
Nominee: Funeral
Nominee: Signal
Nominee: Famine
Nominee: Fresh
Nominee: Cages
Nominee: Light
Nominee: Gold
Nominee: Just
Nominee: Rise

No Budget Spirit
Winner: Coming Up For Air
Winner: A Once in a Lifetime Pass
Nominee: The Great Buddha Arrival
Nominee: Something Beside Remains
Nominee: The First Armageddon
Nominee: Christmas Tears 2019
Nominee: The Doors Between Us
Nominee: It's Always Autumn
Nominee: 45 Days to Be Rich
Nominee: A Moment in Time
Nominee: Forever Marilyn
Nominee: Fractured Minds
Nominee: Don't Forget Me
Nominee: Light the Fire
Nominee: Gabe the Wolf
Nominee: Darwin Awards
Nominee: Peregrination
Nominee: Don't Smile
Nominee: Cashing Out
Nominee: French Kiss
Nominee: Two For One
Nominee: Ice Patrol
Nominee: Adversary
Nominee: No Steel
Nominee: Voices
Nominee: DEOLA
Nominee: Reap
Best Editing
Winner: Be a Bear - About Links
    (feat. Grigio)
Winner: All the Wrong Things in
    the Right Places
Winner: Sandra Kolstad – Catch 22
Winner: That Thing Between Us
Winner: Coming Up For Air
Winner: The Final Mission
Winner: Montu ki Paltan
Winner: Woman From Mars
Winner: The Sako Tapes
Winner: Magnolia's Hope
Winner: Alice By Night
Winner: The Good Wife
Winner: disAbilities
Winner: The Last Koan
Winner: Devil's Dust
Winner: Here Today
Winner: Portrait
Winner: Sapphire
Winner: Hindsight
Winner: Rigged
Winner: Bertin
Nominee: Gold
Nominee: Neon
Nominee: Reap
Nominee: Light
Nominee: Swipe
Nominee: Cages
Nominee: Signal
Nominee: Famine
Nominee: Cactus
Nominee: Driver
Nominee: Broken
Nominee: My Ira
Nominee: Coda 77
Nominee: The Rug
Nominee: Chakras
Nominee: Zameera
Nominee: Chumbak
Nominee: Snapshot
Nominee: Reverse
Nominee: Untimely
Nominee: What If...
Nominee: Simmetria
Nominee: Our Mother
Nominee: Love Blind
Nominee: Ice Patrol
Nominee: Pencil Box
Nominee: Anna Nicole
Nominee: Bingo Bingo
Nominee: Miss Petunia
Nominee: Unborn Souls
Nominee: Grandpa Gene
Nominee: Broken Bones
Nominee: Anticipation
Nominee: The Takeback
Nominee: Desert Bunny
Nominee: January 14th
Nominee: The Unwilling
Nominee: Strut - 1980s
Nominee: Unknown Lines
Nominee: The Timepiece
Nominee: Human Exposure
Nominee: The Next Thing
Nominee: Turn It Around
Nominee: Skate in Tokyo
Nominee: The Initiation
Nominee: Jenna the Great
Nominee: Orange and Blue
Nominee: The Past is Now
Nominee: Ladri D'Infanzia
Nominee: New Age of Aging
Nominee: VHS Massacre Too
Nominee: Withered Harvest
Nominee: Granny Knows Best
Nominee: Catherine the Great
Nominee: Welcome Back Future!
Nominee: Beating of My Heart
Nominee: AAGHAT (The Stroke)
Nominee: Giving Hope to Life
Nominee: Auricular Confession
Nominee: Christmas Tears 2019
Nominee: The Titanic Chronicles
Nominee: Whiteboard Challenge
Nominee: The People Who Suspend
Nominee: Dear Thirty Year Old Me
Nominee: EVP: The Unknown Voices
Nominee: Dead Souls: Apocrypha Black
Nominee: Pajama Party Work Night
Nominee: Kalo by NAOHA
    (Chul Official Soundtrack)
Nominee: A Mind Trip: From Artificial
    Intelligence to Lucid Dreams
    a film about dying, living &
    the creative process
Nominee: Elvis is Everywhere from
    Kissy Cousins Monster Babies and
    Morphing Elvis

Best FX
Winner: Hindsight
Nominee: A Mind Trip: From Artificial
    Intelligence to Lucid Dreams
Nominee: The Great Buddha Arrival
Nominee: Pajama Party Work Night
Nominee: A.K.A. The Surgeon
Nominee: The Void Rebooted
Nominee: The Lonely Road
Nominee: Project Human
Nominee: Broken Bones
Nominee: L U C I D
Nominee: Portrait
Nominee: Devequt
Nominee: My Ira
Nominee: Alder

Best Action
Winner: Dead Souls: Apocrypha Black
Winner: Wolf on the Loose, Revenge
Nominee: Neon
Most Terrifying
Winner: Swipe
Winner: Portrait
Winner: Yard Sale
Winner: Maelstrom
Winner: Bequeathed
Winner: The Basement
Winner: Unborn Souls
Winner: EVP: The Unknown Voices
Nominee: The Invitation
    (Die Einladung)
Nominee: THE CRISIS or
Nominee: VALARI (The Boomerang)
Nominee: Games Played at Night
Nominee: The First & Last Time
Nominee: Vigilante Grammy
Nominee: The Lonely Road
Nominee: The Worry Doll
Nominee: Crypto Game
Nominee: Don't Smile
Nominee: That Night
Nominee: Neutudum
Nominee: Captive
Nominee: Fresh

Best Message
    a film about dying, living &
    the creative process
Winner: A Living Tree, Means
    a Living Planet
Winner: Global Food Crisis &
    Our Conviction
Winner: Jalte Diye-
    Lightinening Lamps
Winner: Geronimo: Circus
    Trash Monster
Winner: Jagya Tyar Thi Sawar
Winner: Where You Come From
Winner: AAGHAT (The Stroke)
Winner: R1514, the waiting
Winner: New Age of Aging
Winner: Montu ki Paltan
Winner: Seven Billions
Winner: Poetry Night
Winner: disAbilities
Winner: Here Today
Winner: Pencil Box
Winner: I'm Sinner
Winner: What If...
Winner: The Veil
Winner: Broken
Winner: Window
Winner: Rise
Winner: Bark
Winner: Indu
Nominee: Holocaust Stories
Nominee: Meet the Stars
Nominee: Our Mother

Best Twist
Winner: Driver
Winner: Captive
Winner: Mrs Blaquill
Winner: Maybe Someday
Winner: Il Cioccolatino
Winner: Granny Knows Best
Winner: Sacrificing the Queen
Nominee: Kalo by NAOHA
    (Chul Official Soundtrack)
Nominee: Games Played at Night
Nominee: The Final Mission
Nominee: A Nights' Prayer
Nominee: Forbidden Power
Nominee: Death's Door
Nominee: Extradition
Nominee: Don't Smile
Nominee: Simmetria
Nominee: Runaway
Nominee: Sapphire
Nominee: Pasha
Nominee: Just
Nominee: Reap

Best Sound
Winner: Untimely
Winner: The Last Koan
Winner: Devil's Dust
Winner: Inheritance
Winner: Unknown Lines
Winner: Granny Knows Best
Winner: Wolf on the Loose, Revenge
Winner: Silhouettes *Iconique*
    (Lichtphon / Ikonen 1)
Nominee: Dear Thirty Year Old Me
Nominee: Is That What Sex Is?
Nominee: Welcome Back Future!
Nominee: A.K.A. The Surgeon
Nominee: THE SONGS of LOVE
Nominee: The Initiation
Nominee: Rachel's Wish
Nominee: When It Rains
Nominee: Broken Bones
Nominee: Saved Rounds
Nominee: Monkey & Cat
Nominee: Hummingbird
Nominee: Here Today
Nominee: Funeral
Nominee: Captive
Nominee: Cages

Best Production Design
Winner: The Legend of Quan Tien
Winner: Pitfall
Winner: Louise
Nominee: Project Human
Nominee: Neon

Best Feature Script
Winner: Kill Joy
Winner: A Million Dollars and a Machine Gun
Nominee: Arianrhod: A New Beginning
Nominee: Punker and Prophet
Nominee: Sin Mi Familia (Without My Family)
Nominee: Believe: A Football Movie
Nominee: Diamond in the Rough
Nominee: Made In America
Nominee: Taking Pictures
Nominee: The Real Thing
Nominee: Final Casting
Nominee: The Falcon
Nominee: Jackie Rae
Nominee: Heart123
Nominee: Running
Best Short Script
Winner: The Six Stains on my Favourite White Jumper
Winner: The Future is in BUGS!
Nominee: N.D.E.
Nominee: Pisces
Nominee: War Bonds
Nominee: The Survey
Nominee: The Santa-Man
Nominee: In Your Dreams
Nominee: A Mother's Love
Nominee: Living in Color
Nominee: Unfinished Business
Nominee: The Devil Knows You're Dead

Best Overall Film of the Year