December 2015 Results
Best Feature Winner: Flow Nominee: Maskoun Nominee: Land of Smiles Best Short Winner: The Way Home Winner: Static Nominee: Permission Nominee: Fortress Best Student Film Winner: Tying the Knot | Best Documentary Feature Winner: Poverty Inc. Nominee: The Way of the Brave Nominee: Stopper: The Rise and Fall of the Bastard Squad Best Documentary Short Winner: The Last Tear Best Director Winner: The Way Home Nominee: Static Best Actress Winner: The Way Home (Begonia Randhav) | Best Actor Winner: Static (Michael A. LoCicero) Winner: Flow (Juan Del Santo) Best Cinematography Winner: White Summer Nominee: Maskoun Nominee: Land of Smiles Best Writing Winner: Static Nominee: The Way Home Nominee: White Summer |
Best Editing Winner: Poverty Inc. Nominee: White Summer Nominee: Stopper: The Rise and Fall of the Bastard Squad Best Sound Winner: Flow Nominee: Static Nominee: Maskoun Best FX Winner: Static Nominee: Maskoun | Best Music Winner: Static Nominee: The Way of the Brave Nominee: The Way Home Nominee: Flow Nominee: Land of Smiles Best Romantic Comedy Winner: Fortress Nominee: Yin & Yang Nominee: Domestia Best Transitions Winner: Tying the Knot | Best Message Winner: Permission Winner: The Way of the Brave Best Original Idea Winner: Static Nominee: Mining Moon No Budget Spirit Winner: Mining Moon Nominee: Alienated Nominee: Sadoum |
Best Feature Script Winner: Hell on Neptune Nominee: Writing the End Nominee: The Spanish Teacher | Best Short Script Winner: Cupcakes |